Grateful Dead Archive

Grateful Dead Archive

This iOS app offers an innovative interface showcasing the music of the Grateful Dead based on the USC Grateful Dead Archive.
Activemap IOS variations

Activemap IOS variations

The Activemap model uses a patented UI design which couples the use of a graphical map with associated hierarchical information. It lends itself to a large variety of map-based and diagram-based applications. These samples powerfully reveal its potential use for...
Time Painting

Time Painting

This app functions as both an interactive artwork and a clock, letting the viewer browse through my time-lapse digital painting of a building facade seen over the course of a single day. Demo
Gettysburg Windows in Time

Gettysburg Windows in Time

This app directs visitors at the Gettysburg battlefield to key sites and then lets them superimpose artwork depicting the particular military event that occurred there. The viewer can also take a snapshot of themselves in the scene as a souvenir.
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